All Students registered with the University who have not opted out of sharing their details on enrolment will automatically be Members of the Union and will be entitled to

(a) to participate in the activities of the Union;

(b) to use the services and facilities of the Union;

(c) to attend and vote at general meetings of the Union and at the annual Members’ meeting;

(d) to vote and stand for office in elections of the Union

A student can cease to be a member:

(a) if they opt out in accordance with Article 11.3 (see below);

(b) automatically on ceasing to be a student on a course validated by the

University of Wolverhampton


Every student at the University shall be able to exercise their right to opt out of membership of the Union by writing to the President of the Union detailing their name and student number.


If you choose to opt out, you status as an opt-out member will remain effective for the duration of that academic year.


Please note:

A student who exercises his or her right to opt out of membership of the Union will continue to have the right to attend Union events, participate in the activities of Clubs and Societies, and access all other Union services.


A student who exercises his or her right to opt out of membership of the Union will not be able to participate in the democratic and decision-making function of the Union. This includes not being able to stand for any elected office or serve as

a Student Trustee or any other representative position defined in the Articles of Association or Bye-Laws.


A student who exercises his or her right to opt out of membership of the Union may not vote in any Union election.

All opt-out students relinquishing their right to membership shall be covered by the published Code of Practice agreed between the Union and the University.

 The President of the Union will inform the University annually of the number of students who exercised their right to opt out of membership of the Union during the preceding academic year.