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Trustee Board

Trustees are ultimately responsible, individually and collectively, for all activity within the University of Wolverhampton Students’ Union. As part of Trustee Board, Trustees govern and set the long-term strategy for the Students’ Union. They are responsible for making sure the Students' Union operates in line with its charitable objectives, ensuring the Students' Union remains student-led and run for and by students. Trustee Board holds senior management to account, and make sure that the Students’ Union remains legally and financially compliant, operating in line with Charity and Company Law, and within the Memorandum and Articles of Association, and Bye-Laws, of the Students' Union.

Trustee Board consists of: four Sabbatical Officers, elected by students every Spring; four Lay Trustees and four Student Trustees, both of which are appointed by the Appointments Committee of Trustee Board.

Trustee Board appoints, manages, supports, and can dismiss, the Chief Executive who is required to attend Trustee Board Meetings. Other senior managers, staff and students may attend meetings at the request of the Chair and Convener of Trustee Board.

Trustee Role Description | Become a Trustee

Trustee Role Description Valid as of 21 August 2019



Chair of the Board





External Trustees

Anil Chahal

Lay Trustee


Derek Kitchen

Lay Trustee


Michael Campbell

Lay Trustee


Stuart Mcculloch

Lay Trustee


Student Trustees


Student Trustee



Student Trustee



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