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Problems affecting your studies?

If you experience problems which affect your learning you have three options:

* To request an EXTENSION to an assignment submission deadline.

* To request EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES (permission to take the affected assessment at the next opportunity, without penalty)

* To request a LEAVE OF ABSENCE (temporary interruption to study) 


An extension allows a student to submit a piece of coursework up to 7 days after the original submission date.

Please follow the steps below:

  • Log into e:Vision. Go to your dashboard and then click on the "Assessments, Extenuating & Extensions" and then the Extensions option.   
  • Click into the relevant assessment that you wish to apply for.  You need to apply separately for each affected assessment in each affected module.  Please note that if there is a message stating ‘unavailable’ next to a module code this means that the deadline for submitting a claim has passed or an extension is not allowed for that assessment.
  • Upload the original and independent supporting evidence onto the on-line task at the time of your claim.  The Student Centre can help you if you are unsure how to do this.

A claim must be made for each period of assessment within the academic year i.e. Semester 1, Semester 2, Semester 3 and the resit period and will not be considered until you have uploaded your evidence.

You must upload your evidence to the task in e:Vision within 7 calendar days of the original submission date for your claim to be considered.

You cannot apply for an extension for examinations, in-class tests and group work.   There may be other practical tests that are also excluded, please seek advice from ASK@WLV or the Module Leader. 

If your request for an extension is accepted you will be notified by email and the new submission date will be present on canvas. Your module leader will also be notified. If the new submission date is not showing on Canvas you should query this with the module leader.  Your bar-coded assessment sheet will be updated with your new submission date with an indication that an authorised extension has been given. If your work requires a printed bar-code, you will need to ensure that the bar-coded assessment sheet is printed after the extension has been authorised and is submitted with your work.

If your extension request is declined you will be notified by email to confirm this.  You are strongly advised to submit your assessment by the due date. Failure to submit any work will lead to you being awarded 0NS (non-submission) for that assessment.

Due to the short period between resit assessment due dates and Assessment Boards, then extensions are not normally granted at resit time. It may be possible to seek a very short extension of 1 or 2 days but this would normally be after consultation between the ASK@WLV Office and the relevant module leader.

Extenuating Circumstances (Mitigation)

The University also knows that very occasionally something beyond your control may happen suddenly and unexpectedly that prevents you from either attending an examination or completing an assessment.  On such an occasion you should submit a claim for extenuating circumstances.  If your claim is approved, you will be permitted to take the affected assessment at the next opportunity (which may be in the following academic year) and the work will be graded as if it were a first attempt unless it is a resit or a retake when the grade will be capped. This event must be one you could not have foreseen and cannot be made manageable by short term arrangements e.g. an extension.

Examples of circumstances that would normally be accepted are:

  • The death of a close member of the family - a parent or grandparent, guardian, sibling, son or daughter (claims relating to members of your extended family will not be accepted).
  • Serious ill health
  • Personal accident or injury.
  • Major and unplanned changes to employment (only relevant where a student’s course or mode of study permits employment).
  • Jury service (if attendance is compulsory and cannot be deferred).
  • Low mood, depression, stress – if you have given consent that your details can be shared with the Student Support and Wellbeing, an email will be sent to them.

Please note that your claim will only be granted where you can demonstrate that the event significantly affected your ability to complete the assessment for which you are claiming.

You must submit your claim as soon as you experience difficulties, so do not delay. Late/ retrospective claims are permitted up to 10 working days after the assessment due date if you are able to evidence “exceptionally compelling reasons” demonstrating why you were unable to submit the claim by the examination or due date for your assessment.

Please follow the steps below:

  • Log into e:Vision. Go to your dashboard and then click on the "Assessments, Extenuating & Extensions" and then the Extenuating Circumstances option.    
  • Click into the relevant assessment that you wish to apply for.  You need to apply separately for each affected assessment in each affected module.  

Upload the original and independent supporting evidence onto the on-line  task at the time of your claim.  The ASK@WLV office can help you if you are unsure how to do this.  Evidence should be independent and will not usually be considered from University Academic staff.

A claim must be made for each period of assessment within the academic year i.e. Semester 1, Semester 2, Semester 3 and the resit period. Claims should be made no earlier than 3 weeks before the submission date.   

If it is less than 10 working days after the due date a Late Reason Required marker will appear next to the assessment items that this applies to.  When the late reason appears you must provide valid reasons to be able to submit the claim.

If you want to claim for an assessment that is within the 10 working days of the due date, but it is not listed, please log a helpcall via eVision detailing the module code(s) and the issues that you are experiencing.

If your request is more than 10 working days after the due date, you can follow the Univeristy Appeals Procedure to appeal this. If you need advice about this, please submit an enquiry to us via our enquiry form.

Please be aware that the University will not normally accept a second claim if the reasons given are the same as the first claim.

Please take care in ensuring that you provide all necessary information when completing the sections of the task in e:Vision and upload the correct evidence to support your claim.  If any sections are incomplete your claim will not be considered.

Your claim will be considered by the relevant University department.  They will advise you of the outcome by e-mail which will be sent to your nominated email address. 

If your claim is accepted for your first attempt at an assessment you will be permitted to submit the assessment at the next opportunity, which is usually within the current academic year. The work you submit will then be marked and graded and you will receive the true grade (i.e. uncapped. If you do not then pass this re-assessment you will still have a right to resit at the next opportunity.  All resit grades are capped.

Information regarding the next available opportunity to submit your assessment is given in your module guide and will normally be within the same academic year. Please check your module topic in CANVAS or contact the module leader who will be able to give you further advice. 

If you do not take the assessment at the next opportunity, your assessment will become subject to the rules governing resit assessments which means that your next attempt will be capped at 40% for Undergraduate students and 50% for Postgraduate students.

Please check the module details on CANVAS and with your module leader for the assessment details as you may be required to undertake a new or different assessment.

If your claim has been declined you will receive brief information and feedback to explain the reason why.

You can appeal the decision by submitting a helpdesk call in e:Vision using the link to ASK@WLV. This should include any additional information or evidence you may have.   The appeal needs to be made within 10 working days of the publication of the original decision.

University regulations require that all courses must be completed within a series of maximum registration periods.  Successful extenuating circumstances claims do not extend your maximum registration period(s).  Please check with your Personal Tutor, ASK@WLV or your Course Leader if you are submitting a claim for the re-sit period to seek advice so that you are clear about any consequences which may affect your course progression or completion. 

If you have valid extenuating circumstances that relate to a re-assessment (resit), you will normally be given the opportunity to take the assessment again at the next available opportunity.  As the assessment is a resit, the grade for this assessment will be capped at 40% for undergraduate students and 50% for postgraduate students.

If you do not submit the re-assessment at the next available opportunity, you will receive an NS (Non-Submission) grade for the assessment and you will deemed to have failed the module.

If you have been granted extenuating circumstances but then submit your assessment, this will void the extenuating circumstances and the grade awarded will stand, this in line with the Fit to Sit policy.

Minor and short term illnesses e.g. coughs, colds, headaches, stomach upsets are not considered and covered by the extenuating circumstances process.   However, you can apply for a maximum 7 day extension.

If the situation is likely to be ongoing, depending on your condition, you may be advised to take a Leave of Absence if your performance on the course could be affected.  

Retrospective claims for Extenuating Circumstances will not usually be considered.  If you do however, have genuine reasons for not being able to apply at the time, you can follow the Univeristy Appeals Procedure, providing evidence to support your retrospective claim.

Leave of Absence

If you experience problems, whether medical or personal, which are not short term and will affect your ability to devote sufficient time to study you can apply to the University to take a leave of absence, or temporary break from your studies. This is usually a semester or an academic year . The University’s academic regulations allow you to take a maximum of four semesters or two academic years’ leave of absence and remain registered for your course qualification aim.

You will normally be able to re-commence study at the point you discontinued study when you return from a leave of absence. However, the University cannot guarantee continuation on the same course and / or modules and you may be required to fulfil specific conditions before you resume study. You are advised to contact your personal tutor and/ or course leader prior to your return to study.


Financial Considerations - You should consider the implications of taking a leave of absence for your studies and finances. A leave of absence will delay completion of your qualification and you may find it difficult to resume your studies after a long absence. If you are studying full time you may wish to consider whether attendance on a part-time basis as an alternative to a leave of absence. Your right to funding may also be affected. Each student’s circumstances will affect their right to funding so it is important that you seek advice from the Students’ Union Advice and Representation Centre.


International Students - If you are an International student you are advised to seek guidance from an international adviser at the ASK@WLV Office in MD Building or call 01902 518518 before taking a Leave of Absence.

Any student in the UK on a student visa who is not attending university is in breach of the conditions of that visa. The Home Office always expects that students who take a leave of absence return to their home country during this time regardless of the date of expiry on their visa.

If you are required to attend resits or to retake a module, and this causes a gap in your studies, it is vital that you seek advice from the ASK@WLV Office in the MD Building or call 01902 518518.

If after seeking the appropriate advice you chose to take a Leave of Absence, you need to request this via your e:vision account. This will be processed by ASK@WLV and confirmation will be given to you via email. 

Last reviewed: May 2022

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