Hello there! These are a few of the things I have been up to as a School Representative for the School of Arts!
- I attened the Student Leaders' Conference.
- I have been attending meetings within the School of Arts for various courses.
- I have been and will be hosting a drop in/ stall at the ground floor of the MK building, to raise visual profile and gain more student feedback (also have been handing out free pens with that! :) )
- I took part in the course approval for BSc (Hons) Architecture (apprenticeship) CST MArch CST
- I have been encouraging the Course reps and students to engage in the NSS
- I have been pushing out a Hidden Costs survey that the Students' Union is conducting to Arts course reps.
Furthermore, I printed some School rep posters and posted them on each floor for the School of Arts, so if you see them, you will get a cookie for each one that you spot!