LSSC School Rep (Undergrad Humanities): Daniel Batchelor

I am Dan Batchelor and I am standing for the position of LSSC School Rep. I am asking for your vote to enable me to represent you, the student of this School.
Who am I?
Currently I am in my second year of a Ba in History/Politics and this year I have served as a course rep. During this time I have represented a number of students with concerns regarding there course and resolved these as quickly as possible.
Outside of University I am poltically active and have campaigned for the abolition of student fees on a number of local/National Student protests. I have found myself kettled in parliament square for peacefully protesting for this cause. I would like to think this may offer some proof to you that I am not afraid of confronting important issues head on
Why Vote for me?
Before coming to this University I have been employed in positions of responsibility. I have had to report to senior management/directors and have experience of working with the pressures that come with this. During my pre-Uni career I have never been afraid of challenging people with responsibility to make changes. This has not changed.
If you vote for me, I will engage with you and represent your concerns and views when needed. I willl make it my aim resolve the many issues you as a student may have.
Give me a chance and I will not let you down.