STech School Rep (Undergraduate Eng): Michael Davies

Hello I am Michael Davies, A second year here at the university on my Architectural design technology course. As I have chosen to run for the STEK reperesentative I am aiming to achieve the following tasks for the next year:
• To have all matters dealt with professionally as the representative of STEK, whether that be directly by talking with lecturers or by bringing those matter up in counsel
• To improve the communication of the student voice to the students union counsel and the personnel who hold the power make change in the university, be it in the learning environment or the system that works to govern the lectors and the assignment system.
• To hold a regular drop in session for students to bring up problems that otherwise may not be brought to my attention through the due to a lack of course or year representatives.
• To push for an improved environment and better facilities for students to learn the most from their course.