SAS School Rep (Undergraduate): Shamsa Mahmood

Your experience at the University of Wolverhampton, to enjoy, to remember and look back upon with a fond memory. I want to ensure that this is a reality for all students.
As your School rep I will dedicate my time to ensuring your opinions and concerns of the School of Applied Science are treated with the respect and recognition they deserve. I am dedicated to ensuring that the rights of students are recognised and valued as an indivduals. Each year the School of Applied Sciences evolves and strives toward the future- I want to make sure all students are given the opportunity to help shape the future of their respective courses.
The changes I want to bring about:
* Drop in surgeries- If you are unable to book a SAMS appt you can have your concerns answered by someone in the relevant department.
* SAS Socials- A fun way to meet and socialise with your peers.
* More workshops and contact with the industries that you want to enter after graduation. These workshops can help you to enhance your CV and interview skills as well as forming contacts with the best names in your chosen industry
I am ambitious to bring positive change in Applied Sciences. I will represent and voice the concerns and suggestions of the student body so we are heard and not ignored by the higher levels. If you want to get the most of out your course and satisfaction with what you're paying for, vote for me. Shamsa.
View Shamsa's blog here: