Non-Portfolio Rep

Hi, I am Tochi Ononiwu and I am standing for the position of a Non-Portfolio Rep (International Students Welfare and Activities). I am a final year Law student and I am currently serving in the capacity of the Careers Officer for the African Caribbean Society.
As an international student, I experience first-hand the problems associated with International Students and after discussing at length with the International Officer and other officers, I believe I can be of service to the international community in the University of Wolverhampton. I intend to be mindful of the issues surrounding the international community and bring the International Officer's attention to each cause.
I would encourage International Students, to get involved in the activities of the University and the Student Union, as well as try to encourage the integration of the international community and the English community, while maintaining individual cultural heritage.
Having said that, I intend to work closely with the elected International Officer as well as the International office to make sure that the welfare of International Students is well taken care of.
I will serve you to the best of my ability, without prejudice or discrimination.
Please vote for me. I am Tochi Ononiwu.