Name: Anisah Khalid
Describe Yourself In 3 Words: Dedicated, Approachable & Reliable
Why should students vote for you & how would you change their student experience for the better?:
With rising University fees it is only logical for students to be entitled, and have access to the finest resources in order to receive the best education on offer. They should expect to obtain more for their money. I would like to identify issues students have with the university and be the student voice to campaign for change. If elected, below are some of the issues I would like to address.
- A vast amount of opportunities and resources are available but students are missing out on their benefits as they are unaware of them these should be advertised better.
- Certain departments award students with a limited amount of printer credits each semester, I believe this should be implemented across the University.
- Also to help save further costs module guides and certain core text books should be provided.
- Many students rely on the Harrisons Learning centre as a source of information hence; more up to date books should be available.
- Halal food should be considered on the menu
- Finally, although the university has provided students with a prayer room it is not always convenient to access in between lectures; I believe one in the MC building would be more suitable.

Name: Ben Lewis
Why should students vote for you & how would you change their student experience for the better?:
If elected into the role of city campus officer I plan to do the utmost to improve the experience of students on the campus. I realise the position is difficult, but it will put me in the best position to make things better.
Policies I am planning to implement include:
- Press for better maintenance on the Art Block lifts
-Revamp the Wayfinding system, add floor maps to each floor of a building.
-Extend and advertise the 24 hour library period
- Push for laptops to be able to be rented out the library again, and a long term maintenance plan to be enacted
- (Extend the amount of books and access to things like online archives?)
- Fight to keep the side entrance open though MB building
- Improve some of the automatic doors
- Push for improvements to the student office
- (Improve access to lecturer office hours?)
- Have a guest lecture and events
- Add more prominent CCTV cameras at the gap between the student halls and the university.
- (Add a smoking shelter in the inner courtyard to avoid the large groups of smokers outside the front entrance?)
- See if the gym facilities can be improved and cheapened and trial passes be implemented.
- Reduce printing costs many universities charge only 1p for black and white sheets, why are we paying five times as much?
- More comfy seats in the cafeteria
- More library top up machines
If you have any policies- even ones I disagree with, I am happy to air them to the student council on your behalf. Together lets improve the city campus. Vote for the candidate who you feel will better the union the most.