Name: Louise Goodyear
Why should students vote for you & how would you change their student experience for the better?:
Hi I’m Louise and I am currently your Faculty Rep for Burton campus. Since being elected last year I have been able to support students on a one to one basis with concerns, and signposted them to relevant support if needed. Setting up drop in clinics for course reps monthly, to pop along and see me and also any students who feel need extra support.
I have begun building a good relationship with the staff at Burton, allowing me to have more of a student lead role within meetings has been beneficial. I feel standing now for re-election for 2014/15 would be ideal as I am already in the role and would be able to continue the positive work that I have begun in enabling the student’s at Burton campus to have their voices heard.
Being the Nursing Times Adult editor, a care maker and SOS ambassador as well as Faculty rep enables me to stay current which what students on a wider basis require and bring those ideas to the students at Burton Campus. I am approachable and friendly, any problem is not too big or small and I hope that you will all consider me as Faculty rep for a further year.
Please follow me on twitter @loukgoody or come and chat with me when you see me around campus.