Name: Helena Jenkinson
Describe Yourself In 3 Words: Trustworthy, Friendly & Fun
Why should students vote for you & how would you change their student experience for the better?:
1. Placement availability for everyone including having more volunteer opportunities available, 2. Have BSL training for free available to all students, 3. Have more events at the Student Union to include SHAW and Education, 4. Having more suitable dates for the LRC to be open 24 hours- a week or two before assessments are due, 5. I will make time for the Nursing reps and have more advice and support available to all nursing students as well as spend time with them, 6. I will lobby for later closing time hours at the library for Burton Campus, 7. Have First Aid training available to all SHaW and Education students, 8. I will work closing with the Walsall Campus office to ensure the facilitation of needs are met for all students including off site, 9. I will ensure that all course reps will be up to date with everything and supported, 10. I will have PGCE workshops including skills testing to prepare students for their exams, 11. I will work closely with each year group providing help and support as well as having the year above come in and give a talk or question and answer time to prepare for the following year, 12. Improve the bus service between Walsall and Telford.