You said you wanted a regular pub quiz event. We now host the Weekly Quiz Night at Walsall SU Bar & Café.
You said you didn’t like the SU Space at Telford Campus. We have relocated the space to SA201, SA Building.
Students said that the therapeutic art sessions reduces their anxiety and is the best part of their week. We’ve added another therapeutic art session in the week so more can experience the benefits.
We helped students ‘Get a Head Start’ by running pre-enrolment sessions for new students, helping them with budgeting, finance support and more. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive so we will be running these again in summer 2018.
The SU has collaborated with the University which informed important revisions to the Personal Tutoring Policy. All students are now assigned a personal tutor to provide personal and pastoral support to ensure that students receive personalised support and guidance from the outset of their studies
Through feedback from the SU via the Student Voice process, the University have developed an annual University-wide Career Development Week, which was embedded into the academic calendar in 16/17. Students told us that they wanted more opportunities to enhance employability skills and CDW now offers extra-curricular activities for all students, to support the development of their CVs.
We've worked with the Wolverhampton community to get 'Ask Angela' implemented in the City Centre.