Name: Laura Anne Jones
Why should students vote for you & how would you change their student experience for the better?:
So why am I running for NUS Conference delegate? Most probably because of my longevity within the student movement and most certainly because of my previous experience with it. I have been to an NUS conference, once per year for my entire 6 years at university.
I've made policy that has affected hundreds of thousands of students across the UK. I have marched for equal rights and lead our students to be at the forefront of changing the law. This is part of my legacy. One which will end where it began... with the liberations of NUS... and finalising the future activists of tomorrow.
Why vote me? Because I've stood when nobody else would, taken the brunt, been told to get back in my box and at the end of it come out to show that change is good.

Name: Kathryn Thomson (Student Bodies)
Describe Yourself In 3 Words: Caring, Proactive & Awesome-Listener
Why should students vote for you & how would you change their student experience for the better?:
Hi everyone, I’m Kathryn and I am running to be an NUS conference delegate. I am the current Welfare Vice President where I represent the views of the students to the university every day. If you vote for me, I will represent your views nationally.
Here are some of the ways I have been helping students:
- In response to students not feeling safe, I set up a student taxi scheme.
- I set up a Liberation Committee to understand more deeply the issues affecting LGBT + students, BME students and students with disabilities.
- I got a Women’s Student Representative added to Union Council.
- I frequently represent students who have been accused of academic misconduct.
- I conducted a large survey of the university experience for student parents so that I can lobby the university for better provision.
I do lots of other things too! I might be the person that’s handed out condoms to you, told you of the extenuating circumstances procedure or encouraged you to write on a giant canvas things you do to help your mental health.
Please vote for me, I promise I won’t let you down :)

Name: Susan Webster
Describe Yourself In 3 Words: Caring, Friendly & Reliable
Why should students vote for you & how would you change their student experience for the better?:
I would like to be NUS Delegate as I do have experience within the Student Union having been on the Student Council and Environmental Officer.
I would love to represent Wolverhampton University and you ,the students, sharing my experience as a Student Union member. I am also a Module Rep.
It would be a chance for me to be involved on behalf of you and see how decisions are made that affect us . I care about what is best for students and feel I have something to give. I am in my last year at University and feel I would be the right person to go to the NUS Conference .

Name: Simeon Chandra (Success)
Describe Yourself In 3 Words: Positive, Determined & Excited
Why should students vote for you & how would you change their student experience for the better?:
Friends, fellow students, my name is Simeon Chandra and I am YOUR humbly elected President. I wish to represent us all at the NUS Conference this April and I call for you to vote for me and the team I am in.
This year I have been dynamically serving YOU, supporting YOU and representing YOU as YOUR President and I shall continue to do so as NUS Conference Delegate.
The NUS Conference is where our fellow 600+ Students’ Unions nationally all get together to discuss, debate and decide the positions, policies, and priorities of action for the year ahead. Therefore, I shall represent us to:
- Emphasise that all the actions apply to us students of the University of Wolverhampton.
- Put US on the map – to be known, recognised and respected at the national level.
- Construct foundations for our greater involvement with the NUS
- Bring back constructive ideas of how we can make even greater improvements here at the University of Wolverhampton, the university we pride as the university that our degrees are from.
I encourage you to vote for me and the team I am in and to say “Hi” whenever you see me as I’m here to serve you.

Name: Craig James Henry Gibbs
Describe Yourself In 3 Words: Funny, Helpful & Caring
Why should students vote for you & how would you change their student experience for the better?:
Students should vote for me because I have experience and understanding of the students union for years and I will do my best to represent students at this university. I would change the student experience for the better because I would be represented as a voice for other students to be heard regardless of their personality.