Name: Gemma Carroll (Student Bodies)
Describe Yourself In 3 Words: Proactive, Innovative & Enthusiastic
Why should students vote for you & how would you change their student experience for the better?:
As an international Student, moving abroad to study was very challenging. It was difficult to not feel isolated and overwhelmed, but because of the support from the Student Union, these challenges were easily overcome. I feel it would be a privilege to use these experiences to enhance your time at University. This year I was elected as Walsall Officer, where I engaged with students, voicing their opinions to help improve facilities and services. As your Welfare VP, I want to be your voice by raising any issues you feel are invaluable to your time at University.
If elected I will:
- Improve current services by making them available to students in all campuses, e.g extending the “Student Safe Taxi Scheme” to Walsall and Telford campuses.
- Provide information about accommodation for all students and a more comprehensive list of accredited landlords affiliated with the SU.
- Create more opportunities for students to find jobs with student-friendly hours raising awareness of the Workplace and Step temps by having these workshops available on all campuses.
- Promoting safe and responsible attitudes to sex by distributing information booklets and free condoms.
- Offer more support and guidance for student parents, carers and international students.
- Build on services available for students with disabilities within areas such as sport and accommodation.

Name: Marie-Therese Ayodele (Success)
Describe Yourself In 3 Words: Good time keeper, Patience & A good listener
Why should students vote for you & how would you change their student experience for the better?:
Students should vote for me because my concern is their needs, I will make sure their needs are met. I will work with the other Union officers and academic officers to improve facilities for all students.
Students should vote me because I have the patience that is needed to work with people. I am willing to work with all students regardless of their background.