About Us

Mainframe skills are in very high demand so being a member will look amazing on your CV! You don't have to be studying computer science to join, just be keen and open to learn.

Welcome to our Society: the MaSS (Mainframe Student Society). 

meeting To be Confirmed

Join our email list: wolvesmass.com/subscribe/

What is Mainframe, I hear you ask? According to Wikipedia (a student's best friends):

"Mainframe computers are computers used primarily by large organizations for critical applications; bulk data processing, such as census, industry and consumer statistics, enterprise resource planning; and transaction processing."

Still want to learn more? Come to our events. As a member, you will (apart from being part of a really cool group of people) have access to:

  • Training sessions towards recognised qualifications,
  • Trips and events,
  • Networking opportunities,
  • (free stuff)
  • And much more…

Mainframe skills are in very high demand so being a member will look amazing on your CV!

You don't have to be studying computer science to join, just be keen and open to learn.

Throughout the year we already have lots of planned activities:
Mastering the Mainframe group workshop, guest speakers, GSE conference event (one of the largest events for Mainframers-see below), potential summer schools, trips and so much more.

Our first trip is on 05/06/2019 we have a trip to IBM in Hersley including a tour around the site. This is a great opportunity to take your first steps in the Mainframe world. If you are interested see the link below: 

Any questions or queries about our society, email us on one of the links (social media pages soon to follow).


***GSE 2019***

GSE is one of the largest conferences fully dedicated to all things Mainframe. As a society, we are looking into attending this event with successful student going last year.

GSE 2019 starts on November 5th and lasts 3 days with talks, workshops and stalls from the best in industry!

More details will follow about our planned trip. For now, take a look at the GSE official website and keep an eye on this page for further updates! http://conferences.gse.org.uk/2019

