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About Us

The official University of Wolverhampton Law Society. JOIN NOW!

President - Simerpreet Kaur (

Treasurer - Kanchan Kumari (

Secretary - Doha Batool Ayub (

Social Media Manager - Simranjit Kaur Ark (

Social Activities

  • End of year ball
  • Visit to Parliament
  • Trip to Magistrates and Crown Court


  • Mooting - Students arguing cases relating to significant and often topical legal issues.
  • Quiz nights
  • Bingo nights (Law version)


  • Get Alumni in as speakers for events
  • International Women’s Day – get Alumni to speak at event
  • Work experience opportunities


  • Students from Levels 5 & 6 to engage in mentoring Level 4 students


  • How to create a LinkedIn profile
  • How to network
  • Revision workshop
  • Employability workshop
  • Mock interview preparations
  • OSCOLA referencing
  • Organisation and time management skills
  • How to write a first-class essay/answer a PSQ
  • Revision classes on topics
  • SQE Prep courses
