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Capoeira Society for more information email


Who Are We?

The Capoeira Society was set up in 2007.  I wanted to play capoeiora ands found that there was nothing available in Wolverhampton, so I decided to spread and share my love and knowledge of this beautiful artform.  We began with a handfull of students who would meet in the sports hall on a Saturday morning and teach each other the movements, songs and sequences of capoeira.  Before we knew it there was over twenty of us.  We continued into a 2nd year, losing some people but gaining new people.  My goal has always been to introduce people into the world of capoeira and to enjoy an unrestricted, unregimented experience.


What is Capoeira

Capoeira, the dance fight game from Brazil.
Steeped in history and culture, capoeira originates from Brazil. It encapsulates martial arts, acrobatics, music, singing & more. There are two distinct styles, Angola & Regional. Growing in popularity, capoeira will soon be surpassing other martial arts.

Want to join?

The Capoeira Society for University of Wolverhampton continues into its 4th year. Anyone and everyone is invited to attend. You will learn the movements and sequences that will allow you to play capoeira. You will learn how to play the traditional musical instruments of Capoeira, such as the Berimbau. As a member of this group you are free to enjoy this artform without any restrictions or demands on your person life and time. You dont need to buy a uniform, pay a huge joining fee or make any long term financial commitment.

This is a non-sex specific sport. There are woman as equally active and involved in capoeira. (infact, women are quite possibily better!)

There are various groups throughout the local area that offer paid instructed classes with a fully qualified mestre, these groups charge between £6-£8 per session. I would like to think that after experiencing capoeira with the Capoeira Society of Wolves Uni, you will be interested in joining up with one of the official schools.

The choice is yours. A similar capoeira society group can also be found at Birmingham University. If you want further info, just ask me and I will fill you in.

The Capoeira Society is 100% non profit. Sessions cover any cost for room hire, any surplus funds collected will go towards arranging group visits to other groups and workshops, free sessions and resources for the group.

We are not a capoeira school but simply a gathering of like-minded people wishing to create and spread awareness of this beautiful art form. Hopefully from this you will then want to commit to an established school of capoeira. Or perhaps you just want to join in while you are at university. What ever the reason, come anyway. Its a fun way to stay fit and active.

So are you ready to join?

We will be arranging a class for mid week sessions at £2 each.  Usually between 6pm and 8pm.  please sign up and send an email if you are interested,

If you would like further information on Official Capoeira Schools, please contact me.

The Capoeira society was set up in 2007 because I wanted to share my love and passion of this beautiful artform.  We started off by holding sessions every Saturday at 10am in the Sports Hall at City Campus.  Eventually we extended this to two days a week and started a second session on Tuesdays at 7pm.  Now we are hoping to continue into a new future and hope that you want to join us into 2010 and also experience the love of capoeira.

What is Capoeira?
Capoeira, the dance fight game from Brazil.
Steeped in history and culture, capoeira originates from Brazil. It encapsulates martial arts, acrobatics, music, singing & more. There are two distinct styles, Angola & Regional. Growing in popularity, capoeira will soon be surpassing other martial arts.

Want to learn Capoeira? Want to know what it is? Learn the Language of Brazil and the culture and history. Want to simply play and practise?

Capoeira, "the dance fight game" start here to join a new group that will introduce you to this amazing art form. Learn the basics, the music, share and improve your existing knowledge.

The Capoeira Society for University of Wolverhampton continues into its 2nd year. Anyone and everyone is invited to attend. You will learn the movements and sequences that will allow you to play capoeira. You will learn how to play the traditional musical instruments of Capoeira, such as the Berimbau. As a member of this group you are free to enjoy this artform without any restrictions or demands on your person life and time. You dont need to buy a uniform, pay a huge joining fee or make any long term financial commitment.

This is a non-sex specific sport. There are woman as equally active and involved in capoeira. (infact, women are quite possibily better!)

There are various groups throughout the local area that offer paid instructed classes with a fully qualified mestre, these groups charge between £6-£8 per session. I would like to think that after experiencing capoeira with the Capoeira Society of Wolves Uni, you will be interested in joining up with one of the official schools.

The choice is yours. A similar capoeira society group can also be found at Birmingham University. If you want further info, just ask me and I will fill you in.

The Capoeira Society is 100% non profit. Sessions will include the fee for the sports hall hire, any surplus funds collected will go towards arranging group visits to other groups and workshops, diesel for use in the Uni mini bus and finally the payment for arranging occassional free sessions.

We are not a capoeira school but simply a gathering of like-minded people wishing to create and spread awareness of this beautiful art form. Hopefully from this you will then want to commit to an established school of capoeira. Or perhaps you just want to join in while you are at university. What ever the reason, come anyway. Its a fun way to stay fit and active.

If you would like further information on Official Capoeira Schools, please contact me.  01902 32 2045