About Us

Board Game Society for more information email wlvs.boardgamesoc@gmail.com

Welcome to the Board Game Society!

Our objective is build a community of like minded people who enjoy playing all sorts of board games and who enjoy supporting good causes while we do it. 

Does that sound like you? Great! 

Come on down to our meetings in The Den (outside the bar in the Student Union area) on City campus, Monday and Thursday evenings, from 4 and join in!

We have a stock of various games available to pick up and play at the society, and we're always on the look out for new additions to the library. We also encourage you to bring your games along too. 

On top of traditional and modern board games, we also cater to Collectable Card Games like Yu-Gi Oh and Magic the Gathering, as well as Roleplay Games like D&D, and Wargames like Warhammer 40,000, and Battletech (although you'll need to bring your own equipment for these). 

We intend to hold events like tournaments, leagues, and marathons for fun and charity. We welcome suggestions for events and good causes to support. 

If you've read this far, fantastic. Please consider joining in and we'll see you there!

