About Us

The Dig-In society has an establised allotment on Walsall campus, which was funded by the NUS 'Student Eats' programme. The allotment, which is situated behind the Walsall accommodation is a great space containing raised beds, a polytunnel, storage shed and a wild area to encourage wild life. Those students at wolverhampton campus can make use of the free inter-site bus in order to get involved. The allotment has been made as accessible as possible, providing wide paths for accessibility for wheelchair users to pass along.
A wide variety of things can be grown in the allotment and there's always room to add more! Dig-In has already successfully grown: beetroot, runner beans, parsley, shallots, garlic, chilli, cucumber, potatoes, cabbage, peppers, coriander, chive, swede, strawberries...the list goes on!

The produce can be enjoyed by the staff and students involved in Dig-In, or even sold to contribute back to the Dig-In society.
If you want to get involved or just want a bit more information, contact DigIn@wlv.ac.uk
You can also see recent updates from the allotment on our facebook page, so join our group at https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/379978455494442/ or search Wolverhampton Students' Union Dig-In.