National Queer Students Day

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Today this year is the first national awareness day dedicated to amplifying the voices of LGBTQ+ students! So why is it important to amplify the voices of queer students? 


Research shows that queer students experience lower levels of belonging, safety, and happiness, as well as higher levels of anxiety at university compared to their heterosexual peers. (Wilson, L., & Liss, M. 2020) Queer students are also at higher risk or experience discrimination while at university than hetrosexual peers. From a lack of gender-neutral bathrooms to limited opportunities for sharing and respecting pronouns, and being taught from a predominantly cis-heteronormative perspective, queer students may find themselves feeling out of place. (U-Belong, 2018)


But, I don’t write this article in doom and gloom, actually things appear to be getting better! A report from UCAS and Stonewall reveals that nine out of ten LGBTQ+ students have a positive or neutral experience of the UK education system! (UCAS, 2021)


When entering higher education, many students receive the spoils of independence, freedom. This is amplified for LGBTQ+ students who may also be able to be themselves for the first time in a safe environment! 


I’m a mature student, and I can tell you my time being openly queer at school was far different from the picture today being painted by this study. As queer students I’m sure many of us have experiences with Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination, and know first hand how negatively that can affect your wellbeing and your academic performance. 


Quality friendships and a sense of belonging can offer protection against the negative experiences that queer students may face. So today, on the first national queer students day, and the beginning of LGBTQ+ History month, let's think about how we can come together, and create a community we can feel excited to be a part of!


Have a look at some of the events the Student Union are running throughout this month, and comment below how you create quality friendships and community! 


Click here for events page.



U-Belong (2018) Finding a Sense of Belonging as an LGBTQ+ Student, U-Belong, [online] Available from:


Wilson, L., & Liss, M. (2020). Safety and belonging as explanations for mental health disparities among sexual minority college students. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 9(1). 
