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A Course Rep is a student elected to represent their peers on a specific course. Their role is to gather feedback from fellow students about their academic experience, such as course content, assessment methods and learning environment. Course Reps then communicate this feedback to School Reps and relevant staff within the University and the SU, working to address any concerns and create positive change!


Course reps are crucial to both the Students' Union and the university because they ensure that the student voice is heard at all levels. By gathering and presenting feedback from their peers, Course Reps help identify issues and areas for improvement within courses, fostering a better learning environment. Their input allows the university to address student concerns more effectively, while the Students' Union relies on Course Reps to drive positive change. This collaboration helps improve the overall student experience and ensures that the university remains responsive to student needs.


As this is a voluntary role, we want to ensure that students who take it on are really able to make the most out of it. Therefore, we want to ensure that our Reps have regular opportunities for development, through training and skills workshops.

Summarising what a Course Rep does can be difficult as the role is so varied (trust us, we know!) therefore we will provide more guidance on how to write about the skills and experiences you gain during your time in the role, to make sure you know how to use it for the future.

Soon, we will also be introducing our new volunteering rewards scheme - this means that you can log whatever hours you volunteer, whether as a Rep or otherwise, to the SU and earn rewards for important milestones! Stay tuned for this one!

And as always, your Student Voice team is here to support you. From SU staff, to Officers and School Reps, we're here if you need a chat, got some questions or just need a break. There'll be plenty of opportunities to get to know us all a bit better throughout the year, through socials and celebrations.


Speak to your lecturer in the first instance about wanting to become a Course Rep. 

If you have any questions, or would like to discuss the role further, you can also email Nat on

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