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Nabil Alibi
for Academic Officer

I’m Bil and I am what’s BEST for this campus

About Nabil

I am the current Academic Officer. I am responsible for fixing issues with SAMS and tackling the timetable epidemic…remember that? I am also responsible for initiating our peer to peer support system (Befrienders). I am local and proud. Oh boy, YES, I LOVE WOLVES!

Nabil's promises

  1. To get high education achievement award (HEAR) implemented here.
  2. To increase and hopefully reduce the BAME Attainment Gap
  3. To work with IT to ensure the WLV App is properly functioning

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There’s a lack for recognition for extra-curricular activities. Having this would allow employers to recognize all the extra hard work students do in addition to their degree.

17%-20% of BAME students achieve lower grades. This needs to be worked on. Whether it be a more inclusive curriculum or a more diverse framework to handle any academic problems.

Won’t it be amazing to have real time updates on lectures, events and even a one stop shop for all things student? Academic and Non? It would. I’m going to make it happen.

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