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Peter Bridgwood
for Academic Officer

Better Educational and Aspirational Motivation

About Pete

Hi, I'm Pete a mature student currently studying History and War, a Trustee at Wolverhampton University Chaplaincy and a father to the world's most mischievous toddler. I'm here for a better and brighter university for now and tomorrow.

Pete's promises

  1. To get student engagement, by communicating with students in order to give them the university they need
  2. To get PANOPTO in every room and used by every lecurer. There should be no excuses.
  3. To standardize feedback from lecurers. They should come to you.
  4. To standardize Canvas and for every assignment to handed in through it. This has been an issue for too long.
  5. To improve the universities library catalogue. It is too unorganised and there are not enough resources..

More information...

I want to organise a drop-in session at each campus (I will not forget you Telford!) where students can openly talk about there experiences and issues that they are having at the university. These issues will then be logged and acted upon.

Nearly every university in the UK has PANOPTO (lecture capture technology) and is used by lecturers, Wolverhampton University also has this technology in some rooms but is never used. It is time for this university to stop giving the students a disadvantage and keep up with the times. It is time to cater to the students.

For too long has the structure of Canvas and assignments been awful, I want to make sure that each lecturer is using Canvas in the same way and for every assignment to be uploaded through Canvas rather than faculty buildings. It is taking too long for this to happen and we should not be taking excuses any longer. Do you want the university to be giving you another disadvantage?

Not everyone can make SAMS appointments or their lecturer's office hours because of a variety of reasons which means that it is often hard to get feedback from assignments. I want the lecturers to come to you, by fully standardizing marking and feedback through Canvas; in doing this you will no longer have to wait and waste your time.

The online library catalogue has to be the most complex and confusing system ever to have been created. The university has subscriptions to a variety of different academic data bases, yet none of them appear when searching for articles. I want the university to create a system that opens its search engine to these data bases giving you a greater advantage in finding that one article you need to get the best possible grade. I also want them to make there subscription easier to find, this can be done by placing an A-Z link of everything they are subscribed to, this way you can search through these databases yourself as well.  

For any of this to be achieved you need a BEAM (Better Educational and Aspirational Motivation), by voting for me you will have the advantage you deserve. I will not let you down.

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